Hearts Of Hope Necklaces
My Hearts of Hope necklaces are made from Black Walnut Shells that have been graciously donated by the Hammons Products Company of Stockton, Missouri.
So please visit their website at
www.black-walnuts.com where you can buy all kinds of delicious & wonderful things, and find good recipes, too!
I split open each shell & inside each half is a beautiful shape of a heart that Mother Nature made.
I clean the walnut-meat out of the nuts and feed them to the squirrels and chipmunks.
Then I fill them with melted non-toxic crayons (my Dada does that for me) in these colors: red, pink (my favorite), orange, yellow, green, blue (Mama's favorite), purple, black (Dada's favorite) and white.
Next, my Dada drills a hole & sprays a clear sealer over each one and I run a soft leather lace through it and then, tah-da!
My Hearts of Hope necklaces are done!
Each necklace comes in 30 ” length that can be cut for a shorter fit.
I hope you love them as much as I do and remember to think of someone you know who might be very sick and in need of thoughts and prayers from your heart to make them all better.